This past weekend, Caitlin came to visit and meet baby Jayden. We had as much fun and excitement as possible with a newborn - like shopping at TJ Maxx and running errands while Matt watched the baby. It was awesome to spend that much QT with Caitlin. And she quickly became a champion diaper changer and swaddler extraordinaire. To prevent Caitlin from getting cabin fever, Matt and Caitlin went on a long run on Saturday and then spent 2 hours at the gym on Sunday morning. One day Momma MK will get back there.
Jayden is still doing what good newborns do - eat tons, make dirty diapers and sleep. She is definitely getting bigger. The other night I went to pick her up to nurse and I could feel a heftier weight to her. She has officially graduated to the next size on her long-sleeve onesies and will be moving out of newbon diapers very soon.