This is way overdue, but it's a nice holiday video. Disregard the singing, I didn't have a chance to properly warm up.
She literally started crawling yesterday. Here is some video proof.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
When Jayden starts laughing, it is hard to get her to stop. In these two videos she gets introduced to Herbie and finds him to be hilarious. Yet another generation will be harassed by those 2 fingers.
Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Rick visited for the Penn St vs. Ohio State football game. Jayden is so entranced by their singing.
Monday, November 1, 2010
October Update
Ok, so it's already Nov 1st and we haven't updated the blog in over a month. Sorry! Jayden has started working on real food, i.e. rice cereal, squash. Most of it ends up on the bib but she seems to enjoy the experience. Also her bottom two teeth have made their way out into the world. She loves playing on her belly, and is working on crawling. We are still totally head over heels in love. Here is a video.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
You Tube videos
Just a reminder that we don't post every video that we have. You can go to our YouTube site to see all of them. Go to
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Trip to Austin
We just got back from a week long trip to Austin, TX. Grandma Nancy got to show off Jayden to all of her friends at a "sip & see". Also Jayden got her hebrew name - Yehudit Hayom. Here are a few videos.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Videos From Maryland
A couple of weekends ago, Jayden went on her first road trip to spend her 4 month birthday in Maryland. She had a great time hanging out with Halmoni, Grandpa Larry, Uncle Scott and Aunt A. She was also very excited to meet Gus as well as Dr. and Mrs. Han. Here are a few videos from the trip. Pictures will follow when Grandpa Larry sends us his professional quality ones. :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
4 month update
Sorry it's been a while since we've posted an update. Jayden just had her 4 month doctor's appointment. Here are the latest statistics: 13 lbs 12 oz (55th percentile) and 24 1/4 inches (50th percentile). She has also recently discovered how to roll over. Of course she figured out the hard way - back to front. Now we can't stop her from rolling over all the time. Also she is so vocal and babbles and sings with us. Still the best baby in the world
Friday, August 6, 2010
New Videos
Jayden was supposed to have her first road trip to Maryland last weekend, but things didn't work out as we hoped. So instead of fun pictures with family and friends we have a few cute videos of Jayden hanging out at home with Mommy and Daddy. Hope you enjoy.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Jayden's Visit to Aunt Lynne and Uncle Mark (plus Auntie Gertie)

Mommy was on call Saturday night and Daddy had to teach a class on Sunday morning so Jayden got to visit with Aunt Lynne and Uncle Mark. During her couple of hours at their house, Jayden showed Aunt Lynne and Uncle Mark her full spectrum of temperaments. They got to see smiley, fun Jayden, poopey Jayden, sleeping Jayden, content, quiet Jayden and the dreaded I'm going to cry real loud and break your heart Jayden. Luckily she gave them good smiles and happy faces at the end of the visit, so Mark an Lynne are looking forward to spending time with Jayden again soon. Mark took some great pictures of Jayden during the visit, here are a few for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Play Hard, Sleep Hard
Jayden has really enjoyed playing on her activity mat lately. While she used to only play for a few minutes before getting a little cranky, the last week or so she has been playing for about 30 minutes at a time if we let her. She is starting to play with the toys on the mat a lot more and she has also taking to telling us how much funny she is having with lots of coos and other assorted baby noises. As you can see above, yesterday she played so hard that she put herself to sleep. Daddy couldn't resist taking a picture.
Jayden in her Bumbo Chair
Here is a video of Jayden in her Bumbo chair that Grandmom Nancy got her. She isn't quite ready to use it full time yet, but you can see how strong she is getting. She can hold her head up really well for a short period of time and it seems like she is getting a little better with her balance every day.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Back to Reality
It has been more than 2 weeks since we've been back to reality. Mommy is working her usual 80 hours a week, and we made it through a weekend being on-call. Despite the difficulty she has had in eating lunch or drinking any water during the day, the milk factory is still running. Daddy is continuing his amazing parenting job and does a fantastic job of getting Jayden ready for school when she goes. Jay-Binks continues to excel at school - high marks in smiling and diaper filling.
Here is another video. If you want more, you can always go to our YouTube site.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Grandmom Nancy Comes To Visit
Jayden had a lot of fun with Grandmom Nancy this past week. They got to spend Friday and Monday together while Mommy and Daddy were at work. Jayden also got to experience Mommy being on call for the first time...twice in the same weekend. Notice how tired Mommy looks in the picture above. Jayden decided she like it better when Mommy isn't on call and decided she will make some phone calls and see what she can do. Here are some pictures so you can see the good times. The highlight is Grandmom Nancy somehow capturing a picture of Jayden mid-sneeze.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
More videos and pics
At 11 weeks, Jayden is more and more active. After she eats, we like to do playtime with her propped up on a pillow. Best time to catch her smiling at you.
And here she is in her monkey towel after a bath. Cheeky Monkey!
First day at Daycare
Since Mommy went back to work for real this time, Jayden had her first day at daycare. Daddy did a great job of getting her ready in the morning and off to school. Good thing he did it because Mommy would be a crying mess all morning.

At the end of the day, Jayden had a fine first day at school. Her 'teacher', Ms Kathy, said she got straight A's in eating, pooping and sleeping. Next stop...the Ivy League.
Here she is getting ready. Jayden didn't want to go to school.
Arriving at school...not quite sure what to make of it.
Happy to see her Daddy at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, Jayden had a fine first day at school. Her 'teacher', Ms Kathy, said she got straight A's in eating, pooping and sleeping. Next stop...the Ivy League.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Almost time for reality
July 1st is fast approaching. These past 10 weeks have flown by and we are so lucky to have had such quality time so far. Soon Mommy will put on her scrubs and white coat. And Jayden will be heading to daycare a couple days a week.
Daddy will have to take over blogging duties. If you want to check out all the videos, go to our You Tube page.
Check out Jayden's outfit in this video. That onesie is 30 years old and was once worn by her mommy.
Daddy will have to take over blogging duties. If you want to check out all the videos, go to our You Tube page.
Check out Jayden's outfit in this video. That onesie is 30 years old and was once worn by her mommy.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
First Father's Day
We now have our first Mother's and Father's days under our belts. Today we got to show off Jayden to lots of friends. First we had a nice brunch outside with Jenny and Jess (gym friends) and some of their friends and family. There were a couple of adorable one year old boys at brunch for Jayden to flirt with. Then Bubsa met Jana for the first time while we enjoyed authentic Juicy Lucy's (they are a Minnesota thing). Overall Jayden thought it was a wonderful Father's Day, but any day she gets to eat, play, sleep and poop is a good day. Amen sista!
BTW she continues to amaze us every single day. Everyday she is more and more beautiful, and gets a little more aware and interactive. Jayden is truly an amazing baby.
Here is an older video of Matt and J$, in honor of the day.
BTW she continues to amaze us every single day. Everyday she is more and more beautiful, and gets a little more aware and interactive. Jayden is truly an amazing baby.
Here is an older video of Matt and J$, in honor of the day.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
World Cup...Goal Goal Goal
I am really going to miss not having all this great soccer to watch. In the morning after Jayden has her second breakfast (or first lunch, I'm not sure), it has been great to watch a world-class soccer match. Here we are watching S. Korea get their butts kicked, but at least we are stylish...and tired looking.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Family Weekend, Part 2
Next came in the Yum-Kincaids. Scott got a chance to work on his "uncle skills". He did his best work when Jayden was sound asleep. Speaking of sleep, Grandpa Larry and Jayden got in some quality nap time. But it wasn't all eating and sleeping. There was some playtime and lots of World Cup soccer action. We had a good excuse since the weather wasn't terrific for outdoor activities. Everyone agreed that we have a wonderful, beautiful and chubby baby girl. Jayden couldn't be reached for comment as she was in the middle of boobytime.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Family Weekend, Part 1.

We just had a fantastic family weekend with the Keidan side of the family. Geoff got to be "Uncle Geoff" for the first time. We didn't do anything too exciting - mostly because the weather did not cooperate. But the most important thing is that everyone got quality time with Jayden. Here are playtime videos:
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Memorial Day weekend video
Here is video one of two. After going to the Asian Festival in 90 degree heat, Jayden got a bath. She then got to eat in her birthday suit plus diaper.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
More than 6 weeks old and growing
We had a fun Memorial Day weekend with Aunt A. She loved her little "doll baby". Jayden had some quality time one night while Mommy went to spend time with girlfriends and watch a terrible movie (SATC 2 - big thumbs down). Then on Sunday we ventured out in the heat and humidity to the Columbus Asian Festival. It was well worth it for the chicken on a stick, but Jayden got pretty hot and sweaty. Here's Jayden wearing one of her fancy outfits (Thanks Uncle Bruce and Aunt Gene).
We have a couple videos to post. They will be up soon.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hopefully one day Jayden will learn her name. So far we use her given name very sparingly. Here is a list of nicknames to date:
- Bubba
- Bubbarino
- Princess Poopypants
- Chumbawumba
- Doll Baby
- Fake Baby (thanks Auntie Caitlin)
- Honey Bunny
- BuggaBoo
- Babe
- Shrek Baby
- Princess Fiona
- Sweetness
- Bubbles
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Look Ma, No Hands
We love carrying and holding little baby Jayden, but she is getting bigger and bigger. And it would be nice to accomplish some things and still get to hold her. So we invested in something called a Sleepy Wrap. It's a big piece of stretchy cotton terry cloth. At first it was tough to figure out how tight to make it. But we've used it the past 2 days to take her our on walks. She slept the whole time. The Sleepy Wrap doesn't have any straps to adjust between the two of us, and there aren't any Velcro pieces to scratch her. Plus the company is out of Boulder, Colorado - bonus!
Monday, May 24, 2010
One Month Check-Up...
Passed with flying colors. Jayden is officially in the 70th percentile for weight (hefty 10lb 2.5 oz) and 50th percentile for length (21 inches).
Way to go, Princess Poopypants! She celebrated with a long tall drink of breast milk. For her next trick, she will either cure cancer or create a dirty diaper. Can't wait to see which one she'll choose.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
new photos
I try to update both my Facebook page (and tag Matt) and also the Snapfish albums.
Click here for a direct link to the Snapfish photos.
Here are couple of Jayden in her fancy outfit and just thinking about life...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
For our weekend trip to Costco we attempted to dress Jayden in one of her many fashionable outfits. Unfortunately it only lasted for 30 seconds before she spit-up all over the fancy shirt. We'll give it another shot soon.
As she's getting a little more awake and active each day, we finally busted out the activity mat (thanks Aunt A!). Here is the latest video:
As she's getting a little more awake and active each day, we finally busted out the activity mat (thanks Aunt A!). Here is the latest video:
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
one month birthday
Jayden has been here for one far so good. It has been an exciting week. She took her first bottle given by her daddy. And she did very well during her hip ultrasound - to evaluate for hip dysplasia since she was breech. The tech reported that everything looked fine! As if that wasn't exciting enough, Jayden got her first gym membership. Matt is starting to teach Bodypump and Spinning at a fancy new gym which has nice childcare and sweet outdoor pools. Plus when she gets old enough they have water baby swim lessons.
She looks cuter everyday. We decided that she will never have to wear mascara because her eyelashes are so long and beautiful. Today's adventure, Costco on a Saturday...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
First Mother's Day Weekend
This past weekend, Caitlin came to visit and meet baby Jayden. We had as much fun and excitement as possible with a newborn - like shopping at TJ Maxx and running errands while Matt watched the baby. It was awesome to spend that much QT with Caitlin. And she quickly became a champion diaper changer and swaddler extraordinaire. To prevent Caitlin from getting cabin fever, Matt and Caitlin went on a long run on Saturday and then spent 2 hours at the gym on Sunday morning. One day Momma MK will get back there.
Jayden is still doing what good newborns do - eat tons, make dirty diapers and sleep. She is definitely getting bigger. The other night I went to pick her up to nurse and I could feel a heftier weight to her. She has officially graduated to the next size on her long-sleeve onesies and will be moving out of newbon diapers very soon.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Feels bigger
I know Jayden is gaining weight and getting bigger. Her cheeks are definitely more full than they used to be. My parents could tell just from her most recent photos. Then last night when I was feeding her I really felt her weight in my lap - a significant heaviness. Weird!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Almost 3 weeks
I can't believe that we've been parents for almost 3 weeks already. It really feels like Jayden's been here the whole time. Is it possible for her to look different in the evening than she did that morning? I guess so if you're time is only measured in days, not yet months or years.
She is still eating, peeing and pooping like a champ. So she is fulfilling all of her newborn duties. Yesterday we broke down and bought a Moses basket. We've been getting better at putting her the crib when she's totally out, but we were still checking on her every 5 minutes. This way she can be put down and still be close by. So far it's been worth the investment. The dogs like it too because she is within sniffing distance.
Friday, April 30, 2010
my first blog ever

We have a new nugget in our family - Jayden Kincaid Keidan. She was born April 15th at 9:11am, weighing in at 7lbs even and 19 1/2 inches in length. Jayden's timing was a bit of a surprise but a joy nonetheless.
We were very lucky to have lots of family come and help for the first two weeks. Grandpa Larry and Halmoni (Korean for grandma) arrived very late on the 15th, and stayed for 2 weeks. Grandma Nancy came a few days later. Then Grandpa Rick made it after his work obligations were taken care of.
But now everyone has returned back home. The house is a lot quieter. Just MK, Baby J and the dogs. The month of May should be interesting.
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