Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Father's Day

We now have our first Mother's and Father's days under our belts. Today we got to show off Jayden to lots of friends. First we had a nice brunch outside with Jenny and Jess (gym friends) and some of their friends and family. There were a couple of adorable one year old boys at brunch for Jayden to flirt with. Then Bubsa met Jana for the first time while we enjoyed authentic Juicy Lucy's (they are a Minnesota thing). Overall Jayden thought it was a wonderful Father's Day, but any day she gets to eat, play, sleep and poop is a good day. Amen sista!

BTW she continues to amaze us every single day. Everyday she is more and more beautiful, and gets a little more aware and interactive. Jayden is truly an amazing baby.

Here is an older video of Matt and J$, in honor of the day.

1 comment:

  1. wahoo what a day!!! glad you got to come celebrate with us for a bit :)
